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(913) 544-7025

Hay Baling in Olathe

Do you have a large piece of land that is difficult to maintain? Whether you inherited it, bought it recently, or are planning to sell it, it could be worth your while to hire external land maintenance services. At NYT Investments, we provide hay baling services in the Olathe area. Farming and land maintenance is a difficult job that demands long hours and hard work. Many people find it overwhelming and neglect to maintain their land, leaving it overgrown and unmanageable. There are many benefits to making and baling hay, which we will discuss below. The following article is meant to inform you about some benefits of hay baling which you should consider.

What is a Hay Baler?

A hay baler is a piece of heavy farm equipment used to compress a cut and dried crops into compact, moveable bundles, or bales.

Why You Should Consider Baling Hay

  • Make Extra Money: Many farms and landowners who do not have the time or the resources to make their own hay often choose to purchase it from a supplier. This is the case for many families and businesses in Olathe. If you do not have use for hay, or have a large supply of it, you can sell it off to make some extra money. Hay is easily transported when formed into bales, and at NYT Investments, we are equipped to make bales both large and small for efficient transportation.
  • Harvest Fodder for Livestock: If you have livestock or other farm animals grazing on your land, baling hay is a great way to harvest and store nutrient dense fodder for them. Hay can be used when the pasture is limited or when the weather causes grazing time to be limited. Hay can be fed to horses, cows, pigs, goats, sheep and rabbits. It is always handy to have a few extra bales of hay handy, especially in the winter. At NYT Investments, we will make sure to bale enough hay so that you don’t need to worry about running out of fodder for your farm animals.
  • Reduce Property Tax: By baling hay on your property, you may be eligible to receive an agricultural property tax classification.  

Unfortunately, baling hay can be very exhausting and requires expensive machinery to do so. At NYT Investments, we use state high quality hay baling equipment to ensure that the job gets done on time. We are skilled in the art of hay baling, and will be sure to get the job done in no time. Don’t sweat the time, energy, and money it takes to bale your own hay. Call our Olathe experts today!